Man, where did summer go?  It’s been a helluva season though (all that riding almost made up for the total lack of skiing / snowboarding last winter, almost).  So let’s end this darn-near perfect season with a bit of trail work then, shall we?
Join SMBC and our friends at the Catamount Trail Association on Sunday October 30, from 9 – 1 to build a fresh bridge or two out on the 8 Bridges Trail / Catamount Trail.  We’ve already gotten a few bridges built and as they say, many hands make light work.  So with another good push we can get one of Stowe’s favorite trails ready for winter and many more seasons of riding.  Meet at the Sterling Gorge parking lot–bring work gloves and water, we’ll supply tools and a bit of instruction (for that that need it).  See you then!