Alright Leaf Blowers, the ride descriptions are up and the schedule is complete!  That means it’s time for you to choose pick your ride and get your bad self registered. We’ve added some new rides this year, more clinics, we have many of the classic rides, and as always,  there’s something for every age and every ability level. Click HERE for the list of rides and ride routes, click HERE Leaf Blower schedule.

Leaf Blower, clearly no fun at all. Photo courtesy Grant Wieler

Leaf Blower, clearly no fun at all.

Haven’t registered yet?  You can do so right here.  Why register early you ask?  Well you can save yourself some time on the big day, and you can also use that sweet little discount code that’s floating around for SMBC members (2016SMBCMember).

Most importantly, don’t forget to bring a couple non-perishable food items with you to the Leaf Blower–we’re helping our friends at the Lamoille Community Food Share program gather some much needed resources for the coming season to help those in need.

Questions?  Hit us up on Facebook or at  See you October 9th!