This season has been one of great change and positive growth for the Stowe Mountain Bike Club: 2016 marked the first year as a Vermont Mountain Bike Association chapter and the first year of partnership with Sustainable Trailworks. The five-year strategic trails plan that outlines the process and funding strategies for new trails in Adams Camp, Cady Hill Forest, Sterling Valley, and beyond is nearly complete. SMBC has established new partnerships that will increase mountain biking opportunities throughout Stowe. So we ask that you consider making a tax deductible donation to SMBC to help sustain our mission of cultivating this amazing trail resource in partnership with the community. Do it on Giving Tuesday, or on any random day of your choosing.  To make a donation, click the Support button above, then click Donate.

Thanks for being part of this awesome community.

Giving Tuesday

Giving Tuesday

Photo courtesy Mike Hitelman